
Exhibition of recycled objects

Exhibition of recycled objects, with prizes for the best works, at our school.
Here you can see some photos about it.
One of the most appreciated recycled objects was a small model of “M.Cipolla High School”, completely realized with recycled paper.
To do it, we followed these steps:
We teared  the paper into small pieces and put it a a pot.
Then we poured the water until it covered the paper.
We left it there overnight  so as to get the right absorbtion.
We stirred the soaked paper with a wooden spatula.
We drained most of the water.
After that, we added the wheat flour.
We stirred it more and more,  until it became  a smooth dough.
Now, using the paper dough, we started modelling the shape of our school.
We left it under the sun .
 Once it was  completely dried, we painted it!

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